Mrs. Adele Abrams CMSP – Speaker
Adele Abrams is an attorney, safety professional, and trainer who is president of the Law Office of Adele L. Abrams P.C. in Beltsville, MD, Charleston, WV, and Denver, CO, a multi-attorney firm focusing on safety, health, and employment law nationwide. Adele is a certified mine safety professional and she also provides consultation, safety audits, and training services to MSHA and OSHA regulated companies. Adele is a regular columnist for numerous magazines on legal, employment, mine, and occupational safety/health issues, and is co-author of several books related to mining, construction, employment law, and occupational safety and health. She is a member of the Maryland, DC, and Pennsylvania Bars, the U.S. District Courts of Maryland, DC and Tennessee, the U.S. Court of Appeals, DC, 3rd and 4th Circuits, and the United States Supreme Court.
6 October 2020
keynote Session 1: Effective COVID 19 incident investigation
The COVID-19 pandemic has swept the world and created unique issues for employers and safety professionals when it comes to determining whether COVID-19 transmission in the workplace is a likely hazard and which are the appropriate measures to take. In the United States, while there is no federal enforcement program specific to COVID-19, some states have gone ahead with emergency standards, some of which include illness reporting requirements to the state OSHA agency or public health department. Determining which cases are work-related is critical in ensuring that other workers do not become ill, to avoid workplace transmission, and to have accurate recordkeeping for OSHA and worker's compensation purposes. This presentation will outline the basics of COVID-19 recording and reporting essentials, as well as how to develop effective investigation of COVID-19 reports and other incidents.
6 October 2020
keynote Session 1 Q & A